Audrey Reid Grant

The fund aims to:

Give assistance to applicants aged 25 years and over, who seek to extend their education or training in areas of study that will be of benefit rural communities.

This includes subjects such as midwifery, agriculture and horticulture.

 The following must be included with the application:

- NZ citizens, 25 years +

- Course of study must be of benefit to rural communities, at an approved tertiary institution, long- or short-course eligible.

- Study must be undertaken at an approved tertiary institution.

- Any long- or short-course of study is eligible.

- Character reference from a member of Rural Women New Zealand, outlining the need for assistance.

- Character reference from another responsible citizen (non-family member), from someone who is known to the applicant

This grant closes 30th October.

This is a $600, one year grant.

Please email the application to

or mail to:

PO Box 12-021, Thorndon,

Wellington 6144


Diamond Jubilee Agricultural Tertiary Bursary


Ruby Stokes Grant